Aging is part of life's ongoing story. We are living longer with better health, but when this time includes devastating losses and crises, our ability to adapt -- which we could do more easily earlier in our lives -- is often challenged. It is at this point that people seek help. And this is a time to particularly consider a psychoanalytically based treatment.

The psychoanalytic setting provides a unique, safe space to explore the resources people still have within them, in order to enrich this period of life. By using the analytic experience to take stock of the whole of one's emotional life, a coherent narrative is created which supports a renewed and valued sense of self. Psychoanalytic treatment also recognizes the need and ability to form new relationships, which may be harder at an older age, helping those who feel alone to reach out to others. Putting your internal, emotional life into order after it has seemed lost or in disarray recovers stability, and a sense of peace with the meaning and value of one’s life, while giving a renewed sense of purpose. This is just what psychoanalytic therapy is designed to do.